COMPLETELY ambushed as we were not told when results day was. I in fact was hanging around on a weekday for the arrival of some very sexy iris coloured Hunter wellington boots that had been brought for me and were due to arrive that day.
I am so so proud of myself, which is a rare feeling. I did not expect the 2:1 at all, and upon reading the result i burst in to a lengthy hour-long sob fest which was not great for my skin and has resulted in a breakout.
So... graduation day is 2 weeks away and there is only one question on my mind..... What to wear???
Shift dresses are out of the question for me, as all the ones in my price range are not good for someone with an hourglass figure and will draw attention to (now only slight thanks to the gym) tummy area. I have heard that to make it easy to attach the hood of the gown, shirts with top buttons are advised (groan).
Currently I am most definitely wearing my black pencil skirt. I have two in my wardrobe- one that's a bit more sexy for sophisticated evening outfits, and one that is for the office. It was £20 from good old marks and sparks, is made of a lined jersey and has the cutest box-cut fish-tail detail at the back. Nice and conservative (don't want to give those old professors a heart attack now, do we?).
But what shirt????

I did see this beauty in white in the Reiss sale... it was originally £110 and now is £88. However the white has sold out (boo) and as much as i love electric blue and it does make me look tanned, I'm really not sure i should go for it in this colour for fear of being TOO bold....

Then there's good old TM Lewin... this is £25 in the sale... but although its a safe bet...HOW much do i want to look like a waitress???? It doesn't reflect my personality and its bad enough that I'll be in a ridiculous black dowdy gown ( even though the hat's pretty cool) all day.

Asos do a really cute pussy-bow style shirt... It is a little more me as I like to add a little quirky twist to a outfit. But then.. no top button!! This one is £12 and very much in my price range.
Yes i know... 'what about the footwear?' I hear you ask.....I have 35 pairs of shoes in my wardrobe, so I'm sure ill find something suitable.... however that's not stopping me from heading to London this weekend to check out the sales and shops... you know- just in case i find pair number 33 ;).
I am going to go with a closed toe option, one with a height as I am 5 foot 1"- but not too much (in case i trip up on the way up the stage- just the thought has me cringe-ing). However kitten heels,I believe, are reserved to the office environment only so whatever pair i choose the heel wont be that low!
Exciting times.... and I have a few weekends of very exciting social engagements. Don't worry- I will be blogging them ALL!
Hope all you other graduates out there are proud of yourselves... we are the recession students and yet we have made it through so a massive pat on the back to us! Have a lovely graduation day and don't forget to eat some protein (carbs will make your face bloat,very bad for photos) to keep you going, fainting and pale faces are not nice- plus its a waste of champagne.
Lots of love
xxx TTN xxx
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